Why Influencers Arent Noticing You

Your Stupid Habits Are The Reasons Why Influencers Aren’t Noticing You.

People dream about being successful but few of them reach their dream position. In this era of social media, people are really into getting noticed by the professionals.

It’s one of the most common social anxiety faced by many business starters, bloggers and many else.

The journey of building a brand begins when you enter in this amazing yet petrified world of the internet. People become famous just because of their one stupid mistakes.

It doesn’t mean you’re going to be the same.

Everyone dreams to get noticed by influencers but what really happens, no one knows.

Branding is one of the most targetted concepts now for which you should connect with professionals of the market.

But there are many reasons why influencers aren’t noticing you.

What Are Things Which Make You Unqualified To Get Noticed By The Professionals?

Whether you’re talking about your habits or some other things, the influencers don’t give a damn.

There are some basic things which can give you an idea.

#1. You Flaunt Much But Do Less.

Do you like someone who is always talking about his/her vanity and never tries to do something good for the readers?

In this blogosphere, you can find many people who just talk, talk and talk and never even try to craft a content worth reading.

When I started blogging, I was so intimidated by the writing skills everyone had. But sooner or later, I had to face the hard truth.

Came across many bloggers who have vanished from this blogosphere.

#2. You Just Jump On The Influencers.

Have you ever experienced a moment of having a strong bond with an influencer? Well, that would be an amazing time for you.

But there are many people who just have a few words with the pros and they just ask for more and more.

No expert would want that. They are also humans and get pissed off with your stupid queries.

The first thing newbies ask, “how to make money?” I mean really.

#3. You Don’t Focus On the Quality.

It’s not a new thing to anyone. The quality is everything.

Whether you’re generating the content or building relationships with others. It’s all about how you maintain the value.

That’s the reason why influencers aren’t noticing you and anyone else. It’s about giving your 100% to show what you got.

#4. The Niche Isn’t Relevant.

Most of the bloggers target the wrong people.

Suppose you’re running a blog about blogging and someone from the marketing background meets you. How would you react?

Well, it’s obvious that you would get excited but it won’t be so good for you to dwell everything into that person.

Seek the influencers from your own niche.

#5. You Have The Fear of Ignorance.

Life is all about trying again.

Many people stop trying after getting rejections. Not all the influencers are the same. You can try to meet new people, spread your words and embrace your connections.

It’s like a circle with no ending point. When you get ignored, come back again with a new spark.

#6. You Have The Anxiety To Go Too Personal.

It’s all business and no one would want to tell the stories about the personal life.

I have seen many newbies who ask questions as if they’re going to marry you. They turn a business meeting into a counseling session.

That’s one of the reasons why influencers aren’t noticing you.

#7. You Act Like A Dominant.

People don’ really expect someone to dominate them. Especially, when you are talking to an influencer and you are jumping as if no one else can.

This is the most stupid thing you can do.

A conversation should maintain the equity with respect.

#8. You Challenge Them.

Challenging the experts is always a good thing only if you really know the answers.

Suppose you’re pointing out a mistake which isn’t really a mistake then it directly challenges the authority of the professionals.

People appreciate when someone points out a mistake. But dealing with the wrong concept can blow you.

#9. You Are A Mediocre In Communication.

People like to have a communication which can really reach to something.

The most stupid habit of many newbies is to repeat their words with in different ways. And all those stereotyped questions about getting the traffic, more backlinks, how much time would it take to be famous and more.

Such type of things really annoy the professionals.

#10. You Exaggerate In Your Comments.

Emphasizing on something is good but exaggeration isn’t. Many newbies try to get an eye from the blog owners by adding some over-accomplished quotes.

And the best part is when your comment doesn’t even relate to the content.

Such types of moments make me laugh. Don’t you think this is one of the reasons why influencers aren’t noticing you? Are you too making such mistakes?

What Are your Opinions About Such Things? Have You Experienced Any of the Moments?

People like to get connected. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a newbie or a professional.

No influencer can reach to the position he/she has until people let it be. What makes a pro a pro? people do.

But the things newbies do are hilariously stupid which don’t give the good vibes to the experts. What are the things you’re doing wrong?

Are you poor in communication, are you afraid to get rejected?

What are the reasons why influencers aren’t noticing you? What’s wrong with your current strategy and what should you improve?

Feel free to share and connect with us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hey Ravi,

    Thanks for the awesome post once again. You have mentioned many hard truths in it.

    You are right, newbies don’t do enough work as much they speak about it. If we start working more than we think or speak then most of pur problems can be resolved.

    1. Hi Shubhanshi,

      It’s always said that the hard work can beat the talent if talent stops working. The same thing applies to the newbies who try to impress influencers.

      They should focus more on the generation of the quality over bluffing.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Have a great day.


  2. Yes, that’s why Influencers are not noticing me probably.

    I actually have fear of ignorance.

    With Time, I am improving. Let’s see what happens in future. And you said that clear.

    I don’t wanna challenge you, man. Do you think an introvert kind of guy like me can be noticed? ?

    1. Vashishtha,

      It’s all about how you take along everything from your fear to the talent. Fear isn’t the solution for anything. Just drop by your best work and people will start noticing you.

      If an introvert like me can do it, anyone can do it.


  3. Hey Ravi,

    From my opinion – these are strongest points which makes you unnoticiable by the professionals. These are common symptoms which you can see in various personality and thats the reason, they fall downwards.

    In blogging we know very well that quality of content and relationship play vital role in your personality promotion. Communication skills play crucial role in our live atmosphere as we in online presence – a strong bond relationship established on a perfect communication. Eventually, thanks for revealing a light on this topic.

    With best regards,

    Amar kumar

  4. Ravi, I think your point about jumping too early and not knowing the influencers much is a great one. One needs to develop trust and relationship first before actually pitching to the influencers. Some solid tips to the new and intermediate bloggers, great, thanks.

    1. Hey Ahmad,

      This blogosphere is too broadened and people need to understand the need to have the patience and human bonds. No would respond you if you directly jump into the influencers whole.

      Relationships are the keys to unlock the blogging opportunities.


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